Avaya IP Office “Power User” Optional Productivity Application

The ultimate in communications accessibility, the IP Office Power User application enables employees to be as productive as possible in virtually any location or circumstance.

Armed with a laptop, Apple iPad device, Apple iPhone or Android smartphone, users can make voice or video calls, conduct and control audio conferences, view colleagues’ presence, instant message with contacts inside and outside the company, and much more. Want to empower your key associates with the tools to keep them working at maximum productivity and efficiency? The IP Office Power User application is the solution.

Taking Care of Business: IP Office Power User in Action

Being there when an important customer has a critical issue can make all the difference in the relationship.  When a key customer calls the dedicated vendor service manager, who may be on the road between clients, the IP Office Power User application enables the call to ring on both the service manager’s office and mobile phone. Using the geo-location and presence features of Power User, the Service Manager locates the tech closest to the customer. With a quick IM session right from an Apple iPhone or Android smartphone to confirm availability, the service manager can quickly call the customer back to confirm the appointment for later that morning. That’s how the Power User application helps keep communication and collaboration flowing without a hitch.

Power User — enables workers to be more responsive, provide better service, and improve customer loyalty. Avaya calls that the Power of We

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